🚨SPOILER: This Is ONLY For SALES COACHES, so if you're not one Piss off!(Im kidding, it'll be a waste of time for you honestly!)🚨

How Sales Wizards (Like you) are getting an EXTRA 10-15 paying Clients every month by using our "Email Whisperer" strategy to unlock the Pandora's Box of Filled out Calendly!

All this ^ without "Twerking" your ass online, playing "Tug of War" in your prospect's DMs, or sounding too damn Robotic with the same old-overused crap!

That's me, that's "My" name of this game! #Heisenberg

Say My Name!!

Just Like how Walter was a Goldmine for Gus. I am the same, I AM HIM.
I am the guy who will put $ on a silver platter for Gus(aka you). (Legally of course)
And, on top of that, I am an INDIAN, so I know how to get customers to reach their wallets and share their information. (I Promise I won't keep it with me!)
To make YOUR wallet phatter.
(Yeah, I know I went way too dark with the stereotype)
PS: If you haven't watched it, please watch this show it's GOATED! I will even attach a link below!

So yeah my name's Arjit aka Heisenberg..
Originally from India, and currently chilling in Toronto, Canada.
Background in Business, Sales, Marketing, Economics, and Project Management.
Buuut, I stuck with Marketing (Copywriting specifically)
Why? well because it's fun and who doesn't like a bit of fun right?
New experiences every day..
Whether taking on new projects with new clients
Talking to people from literally all ethnic backgrounds..
Making their lives better by giving them a quality product or a service or just give them a candy!

Now, the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION and you must be wondering "What's in it for me(WIIFM)?"

That’s why “WIIFM is everyone’s favorite radio station.”

I'm literally A-Train

Who doesn't like speed? Pretty sure you do. Just drank my pre and did this website before it gave me the tingling.(Yeah yeah I remember calling myself Heisenberg, however, living in Canada had its toll on me; a multicultural country gave me multiple personalities too)


Rokda in Hindi is for Filthy amount of money!
As an expert marketer, my job is to save you time while generating revenue for you whether you're sleeping or taking a S*#t!

I am an old Dog here!

If you won't go for my word (it hurt me), just look at all these superheroes backing my claim up below.

Copywriters are a dime a dozen. Good copywriters are few and far between. But good copywriters who are fun to work with, like Arjit, are nearly impossible to find. - Alex Erwin (6 Figure Copywriting Coach)

"Thanks to his expertise, our businesses skyrocketed! His ad copy, website refinement, and tailored email blasts worked wonders, exceeding all our expectations. For top-notch digital marketing expertise, look no further!" - Madan Gopal (Owner of Kali Mirchi and Desi Accent)

Now you have 3 alternatives...

Firstly, throw this maddog a bone!

I might have a DAWG in me, but I don't bite. Honestly, this will be the best of all alternatives.You hit that cute-lookin' button on your left (PC), or below if you're using your Smartphone. And I'll show you how I will help you.

Secondly, throw that bone on Fiver/Upwork

If I were you I wouldn't even consider that as an alternative. Because in this game of cards, this Ace (yours truly) is definitely better than those Fives.

The one alternative you don't want!

The worst-case scenario is that you start wondering whether you even need an expert. But let me tell you, bro to bro/sis—every business on this planet does. That’s why the biggest brands you can think of still generate the bulk of their revenue through email marketing.

Scrolled this far?!

I am telling you don't overthink it. Just hit that button below and I will show you how I can make your life 10 times EASIER and less STRESSFUL in less than 30 minutes!